Chicago 2014 - Proposal

Gold sponsors

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DevOps and Product Learning


The angle for the talk, and the message I am trying to get across, is leverage Continuous Delivery and DevOps not from a 'tech or process' perspective but rather how do we use the motivation to learn about our product faster to drive decisions. The talk covers natural items I strive for in environments - i.e. consistancy and predictability through environments - but from the perspective of not gold plating environments and how do you do this in an Agile team and not in a new silo.

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Signal Datadog CloudBees ScriptRock CHEF Rackspace XebiaLabs Elasticsearch Microsoft Orbitz Circonus

Silver sponsors

DRW Trading VictorOps ServerCentral Puppet Labs Enova 10th Magnitude

Bronze sponsors

Opinion Lab

Media sponsors

O'Reilly Media Arrested DevOps Food Fight Show The Ship Show Blacks in Technology

Wifi sponsors

Cisco Meraki Backstop Solutions Group